Sesterce Events

Join Sesterce at industry-leading events where we discuss AI infrastructure and computing.

Datacloud USA 2024
Austin, Texas

Connect with Sesterce representatives Mohamed at this major North American digital infrastructure event. Join over 600 decision-makers from data center, cloud, and AI sectors to discuss industry advancements and future strategies.

5G & IoT Conference
Thecamp, Aix en Provence

Explore the latest innovations in sustainable industrial site transformation. Youssef El Mansourri will speaking about: "Green computing for AI" alongside industry experts from EDITAG, Centiloc, Edge Technologies, and POLE SCS.

FDDAY 2024

Meet Sesterce at FDDAY, a key startup industry event. Our CEO, Youssef El Manssouri, will share insights on AI infrastructure for future companies. Engage with our engineering and finance teams to explore sustainable computing solutions.

AI Visions by Sesterce
Philantro'lab Paris 5

Dive into the AI revolution at our flagship event. Featuring keynotes from industry leaders, panel discussions on AI infrastructure, and exclusive Sesterce announcements.